Why Growth-Driven Web Design is Better Than Traditional Web Design

Your website must stay current to stay competitive.

A whopping 94% of visitors reported they closed out of a website or didn’t trust it simply because of an outdated design. (Source)

Growth-Driven Web Design (GDD) is a new approach to web design that stops this issue in its tracks by providing changes throughout the year instead of in one swoop.

What is Growth-Driven Web Design?

Growth-Driven Web Design is an approach to web design that focuses on smaller changes executed throughout the year, based on user data. Instead of focusing all your time and energy upfront and then waiting years to update again, you spend less time initially on the site but more time throughout the year tweaking your site based on data.

chart showing the difference between traditional web design and growth-driven design

Growth-Driven Web Design breaks out of the mold of traditional design to take a more proactive approach. It focuses on converting leads and staying on top of design trends by following user behavior.

In a Growth-Driven Web Design approach, websites are continuously updated every month, with substantive changes to keep your users engaged and moving through the buyer’s journey

GDD a three-step, ongoing process:

  1. Strategy: Develop overall goals for the site to measure success.
  2. Launch Pad: A functional, but slightly more minimal, site that’s launched in 1-3 months.
  3. Continuous Improvement: The site is continuously updated and modified, using feedback from the goals set in step 1.

In many ways, GDD is a vast improvement over traditional web design. Let's break down the difference:


Why Growth-Driven Web Design is Better Than Traditional Web Design

1. Better ROI tracking

The core of GDD is a strategy with clear goals. When you have defined goals vs. just a vague "we want more business," it becomes infinitely easier to track ROI to make sure you're getting your money's worth. You'll be able to more accurately pinpoint what is and isn't working on your website. 

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2. Faster updates

A traditional design takes 6-12 months, and that's assuming you don't run into delays. Traditional web design tries to shove web design and improvement into a limited timeframe, which often causes bottlenecks and becomes outdated by the time the site is launched.

With Growth-Driven Web Design, you spread the work over several months. Because you'll be continuously improving the site later, you can launch a new site much more quickly (within just 1-3 months). You'll also have time built-in for updates throughout the year, instead of needing to create an entirely new project.


3. A more flexible website

Because Growth-Driven Web Design is a continuous approach, it has a much more flexible approach than standard web design. GDD encourages experimentation and trying different things to find something that sticks.

If something isn't working, in the GDD process it's easy to update. With traditional web design, you would need to pay additional for each post-live change.

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4. Fresher design

One of the biggest challenges with traditional web design is that the internet continues to evolve beyond how your website can keep up. In traditional design, you only hang onto a website for a few years before it becomes outdated and it's time for another redesign.

With GDD, you're constantly improving based on user behavior, meaning that it's easier to keep your site fresher and to meet trends as they happen.


5. A proactive approach to problem solving

Are your forms getting filled out? Are people bouncing off your site quickly? This is the type of data GDD looks for and actively transforms the website to improve your results.


6. Detailed reporting

Again, because GDD is focused on reaching the specific goals you set, accurate and detailed reporting is key. GDD goes beyond just looking at page views to look at user behavior and engagement. Using a tool like HubSpot, you can dive into analytics and learnings to fully understand your website performance.

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7. Improved user experience

GDD's entire methodology is based on user behavior. It focuses on reaching your goals by giving your users a streamlined, easy approach.

GDD prioritizes things like site speed, user interface improvements and mobile experience to ensure that your site is a crowd pleaser.


8. More personalization

Growth-Driven Web Design begins by creating buyer personas - fictionalized representations of your ideal customers. Through GDD, you create a unique experience based on your user. For example, a persona that prefers phone calls over filling out forms would respond positively to a website where a phone number is front-and-center on the homepage. GDD takes this into consideration at all steps of the process.

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9. Easier integration with marketing

GDD's methodology is a lot closer to marketing methodology than it is traditional web design. Because of this, a Growth-Driven Web Design website integrates more seamlessly into a digital or inbound marketing strategy.


10. More leads

The most important of all: GDD improves your number of leads and conversions over traditional web design. Since your site is constantly evolving and adapting to your users' desires, they're more likely to fill out online forms, purchase a product or pick up the phone.

The ultimate goal of your website is to generate more business, and Growth-Driven Design strives to get you the most leads and conversions by continuously optimizing websites for your users.

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Traditional web design is simply outdated. Growth-Driven Web Design is a proactive, adaptive strategy to web design that keeps your website fresh and functional.

Instead of just settling for "good enough," wouldn't you rather have a website that delivers awesome results?

An Introduction to Growth-Driven Design

Instead of front-loading web design with a costly and lengthy new design, GDD treats your website like a living entity and focuses on substantive, impactful updates spread throughout the year.

GDD is data-driven, data-proven, and an overall more effective approach to web design. 

BizzyWeb is a Minneapolis-based digital marketing and web design agency that helps companies get the high-quality leads they need to grow and thrive. Our tactics include inbound marketing, SEO, advertising, web design, content creation and sales automation. We are an accredited HubSpot Platinum Partner and we offer full-service HubSpot onboarding, enablement and strategy for new and current users.

Dave Meyer
Author: Dave Meyer
Dave Meyer is President of BizzyWeb. Dave has more than 20 years of experience in marketing and communications and has presented digital marketing topics to thousands of people across the US and Canada.